After writing a bit about Vue and its web components I think it's only fair to take a look at its main competitors and their web components as well. Of these, two popular frameworks stand out: Facebook's React and Google’s Angular. For now I’ll focus on Angular and don't worry, React will get it's time to shine in a later piece. Let’s start with a bit of a background on Angular’s direct predecessor, AngularJS.
Angular started out in 2010 as AngularJS, a JavaScript based frontend framework maintained by Google. It extends HTML vocabulary and helps developers quickly build web applications. AngularJS’s main focus was on single-page applications, apps which interact with the user by dynamically rewriting the web page with new data, instead of the usual approach of reloading the entire page from the server. While still popular and widely used, for example by the likes of Paypal, Netflix and Snapchat, AngularJS is getting phased out next year. Covid related issues have forced a six month extension of the long term support phase, but it will only last until december 31st 2021 and everyone is expected to migrate to Angular.
Angular dropped the ‘JS’ with the release of version 2, currently its on version 11. Each version signals a major update, comes out every 6 months and gets 6 months of active support followed by 12 months of long term support. The main disadvantage of Angular is that it's considered to have a much steeper learning curve than React or Vue. The biggest obstacle here is learning TypeScript and RxJS, but consistent updates also mean you’ll need to keep up with new things added. The payout though is probably worth it, as Angular is a complex tool with a lot of useful features:
As mentioned above the team behind Angular aims to release a major version every six months. The current version is Angular 11 released on November 12th and it brings a bunch of new features and improvements. Let's look at a few of those:
Along with the updates Angular also maintains a really detailed roadmap for features in progress of being implemented and those planned on being implemented in the future. If the features described here didn't convince you or you’re simply looking at what’s next for Angular head on over there and check it out. As previously with Vue, next time we’ll take a look at directives, which are basically Angular’s version of web components, so stay tuned and see you next time.