Hey, programmers and GraphQL fans we have some great news for you! We've always felt that visuals were a strong suit of GraphQL Editor and a while back we got a message on our support channel that one user was even creating a custom theme for the Editor. This gave us an idea to bring those themes to Visual Studio Code by creating our very own GraphQL Editor theme. You can check it out on the marketplace or on GitHub if you want to play around with the code. It's open source so go ahead!
To install it you can either use the marketplace link above or just click Extensions on the VS Code Activity bar and search for GraphQL Editor there. You can also simply write ext install GraphQL Editor Theme
in your VS Code terminal. The installation will only take a few seconds - after it finishes just use Crtl + Shift + P, or ⌘ + Shift + P if you're on Mac, type in theme, select Preferences: Color Theme and select GraphQL Editor Theme to set it as your active color scheme. And voilà your editor has a new look.
The theme is based on the colors you are familiar with, taken from GraphQL Editor (that is if you have used it). The theme was created to match the one in the Editor, but if you want to customize it - go ahead. You cna change the schemes colors by adding theme-specific settings to your configuration, or you can even fork the project on GitHub and make your own theme since its released under the MIT license. If you have any suggestions or ideas for improvements or changes to our VS Code theme, just let us know!
Have fun and see you in code! 🚀