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Fullstack template for React GraphL project

Tomek Poniatowicz


Fullstack template for React GraphL project

In the previous week, we looked into a basic GraphQL Server implementation in TypeScript. In this episode of ...

GraphQL Server in under 5 minutes series

... we will take a look at the full-stack template of React GraphQL app.

The Fullstack React GraphQL Boilerplate repo contains minimal, basic & advanced boilerplates, each allowing to bootstrap a GraphQL server in no time, whether you want to build a simple "Hello world!" or a fully-featured enterprise app.

Scalable GraphQL server: The server uses graphql-yoga which is based on Apollo Server & Express✔️✔️✔️
Pre-configured Apollo Client: The project comes with a preconfigured setup for Apollo Client✔️✔️✔️
GraphQL database: Includes GraphQL database binding to Prisma (running on MySQL)✔️✔️
Tooling: Out-of-the-box support for GraphQL Playground & query performance tracing✔️✔️
Extensible: Simple and flexible data model – easy to adjust and extend✔️✔️
No configuration overhead: Preconfigured graphql-config setup✔️✔️

Getting started

The minimal boilerplate is only two commands away. Just go for:

npm install -g graphql-cli
graphql create my-app --boilerplate react-fullstack-minimal

Then yarn start or npm run start will start your basic GraphQL server on a localhost:4000. Basic & advanced setup requires a couple more steps.

After installing GraphQL CLI, bootstrap GraphQL server with:

graphql create my-app --boilerplate react-fullstack-basic (or advance)

when prompted deploy the Prisma service to a _public cluster_, then navigate into server directory of your new project and start it:

cd my-app/server

yarn dev

this will run a server on localhost:4000, along with GraphQL Playground; open new terminal tab & navigate back to my-app, then run the app

cd ..
yarn start

Server Structure

Source: react-fullstack-graphql

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