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Visualise your graphql schema

Artur Czemiel


Visualise your graphql schema

Have you ever wondered to visualise your GraphQL schema? How it looks as a tree structure?

Explaining schema would be much easier on visual like graph. So you can easily see points where you can optimise it.

input CatReadInput {
  id: ID

input CatCreateInput {
  name: String
  Age: Int

input CatUpdateInput {
  name: String
  Age: Int
  id: ID

input CatRemoveInput {
  id: ID

type Cat {
  id: ID
  name: String
  Age: Int

type Query {
  listCat: [Cat]
  readCat(Cat: CatReadInput): Cat

type Mutation {
  createCat(Cat: CatCreateInput): Cat
  updateCat(Cat: CatUpdateInput): Cat
  removeCat(Cat: CatRemoveInput): Cat

schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

Presenting this kind of text document wouldn't mean anything to sales or business person. However presenting visual diagram out of it helps them understand the whole data model


You can create those schemas just by uploading file or url to GraphQL Editor

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