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GraphQL vs REST - Caching
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
GraphQL vs REST - Caching

As you all know, a cache is a hardware or software component that stores data (usually as a result of an earlier computa...

2 mins read
over 5 years ago
GraphQL Tutorial - Queries and mutations Part 2
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
GraphQL Tutorial - Queries and mutations Part 2

InPart 1of our GraphQL Tutorial, we have ended covering Operation Name. Let’s move to a feature allowing us to save some...

4 mins read
over 5 years ago
GraphQL vs REST Performance
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
GraphQL vs REST Performance

This time let’s take a look at another important aspect ofGraphQLvs REST discussion - the PERFORMANCE.GraphQL = performa...

2 mins read
over 5 years ago
Apollo GraphQL - a short overview
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
Apollo GraphQL - a short overview

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling these queries with your existing data. The technology ...

5 mins read
over 5 years ago
GraphQL Tutorial - Queries and mutations Part 1
Robert Matyszewski
Robert Matyszewski
GraphQL Tutorial - Queries and mutations Part 1

FieldsAt its purest, GraphQL is about asking for specific fields on objects. Let's start by looking at a very easy query...

8 mins read
over 5 years ago
JavaScript predictions for 2019 by npm
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
JavaScript predictions for 2019 by npm

npm, Inc., which runs the world’s biggest software registry and maintains the ‘npm’ software development tool has shared...

3 mins read
over 5 years ago
GraphQL vs REST
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
GraphQL vs REST

Is GraphQL a nail to the REST coffin or a tool to empower your REST APIs?REST has become the standard for designing web ...

3 mins read
over 5 years ago
The GraphQL conference you cannot miss
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
The GraphQL conference you cannot miss

2019 is going to be a good year forGraphQL. A lot of new tools to bridge the implementation gap, hundreds of interesting...

2 mins read
over 5 years ago
Advanced typescript tutorial - return based on args
Artur Czemiel
Artur Czemiel
Advanced typescript tutorial - return based on args

Hello This is third article of advanced typescript tutorial series. Today I'll cover basic usage of generic functionstyp...

1 mins read
over 5 years ago
Getting Started with GraphQL
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
Getting Started with GraphQL

What is GraphQL?GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs. In general, GraphQL is a syntax...

4 mins read
over 5 years ago
Advanced typescript tutorial - conditional types
Artur Czemiel
Artur Czemiel
Advanced typescript tutorial - conditional types

Hello, This is the second article of the advanced typescript tutorial series. Today I'll cover the basic usage ofextends...

2 mins read
over 5 years ago
The best tools and extensions for GraphQL APIs
Tomek Poniatowicz
Tomek Poniatowicz
The best tools and extensions for GraphQL APIs

The recent rise of GraphQL popularity created an ecosystem of different supplementary tools having one idea in common - ...

2 mins read
over 5 years ago